This webpage has been developed to describe and provide regular updates about UNCG’s academic data/dashboards and administrative services review process.  

UNCG has worked with rpk GROUP, a leading higher education consulting firm to support our efforts to respond to the impact of the new UNC System funding formula and declining enrollments. A group of faculty, staff, and administrators met with rpk GROUP consultants over a period of several months. The purpose of those meetings was to define categories for analysis that would eventually be published in the Academic Data Dashboard.  UNCG has since launched the Academic Data Dashboards and can continually monitor and assess our academic offerings and understand how our administrative structures and services can better support the institution. The data informs our decisions about our academic portfolio at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Through this process, we are aligning our resources most effectively to facilitate the success of our students, faculty, and staff. 

The project is overseen by Debbie Storrs, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, and Bob Shea, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, with additional input from the stakeholder groups. 

Have Questions?

Have questions regarding our Academic Program Review? UNCG’s primary goal is to provide an excellent academic experience to the broadest possible population of students. To learn more, visit our FAQ.

Academic Dashboards

To view the UNCG Academic Dashboards, please visit Office of Institutional Research and Enterprise Data Management’s website.

Latest Updates

  • Teach Out Plan Brief

    Teach out plans have been developed and submitted to UNCG for curriculum review. In this brief, timelines for program discontinuation are provided. Working group team members collaborated with program leads and academic advisors to draft individual plans of study for all students in the affected programs. These plans specify the … Continued

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  • Chancellor Names Strategic Plan Advisory Committee

    Following a previous update on the Strategic Plan Refresh, I’m pleased to announce the formation of the Strategic Plan Advisory Committee that will guide the update of Giant Steps 2.0. This university committee will be seeking your input as the process unfolds, making recommendations, and drafting a refreshed plan to … Continued

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  • UNCG’s Strategic Plan, Giant Steps, to be Refreshed

    Dear Colleagues,  To meet this pivotal moment for higher education, we need an organizational framework that mirrors where we are — the challenges, demands, and opportunities specific to this period.   And so I’m pleased to announce that UNCG is embarking on a refresh of our strategic plan — Giant Steps … Continued

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The process of submitting, receiving, and reacting to questions and feedback is crucial to the review process and important in helping us make informed decisions. Updates will occur as quickly as possible, and communications of these updates will be made available in a Microsoft Team that has been created for the APR.

To request access to the Microsoft Team, click the button below, then click on the “Join” button that appears in your Microsoft Teams app. An email will be sent to IREDM where they can accept your request, so there will be a slight delay from the time you request access to the time you are added to the Team.

If you’re having trouble accessing any of the data files, let us know. Missed the training sessions? Find them below.

School/College Phase 1 & Phase 2 Program Review Process

External Grants and Contracts Activity Data

This data is provided by the Office of Research and Engagement and the Office of Contracts & Grants Accounting. Please note data is reported at the department/school level because all financial and personnel data systems are organized in this way rather than by program level. 

Project Focus

This portion of the project will focus on supporting work underway to best position UNCG’s academic offerings.


  • Create an academic department dashboard
  • Create an academic program dashboard
  • Support the efforts of existing academic working groups through consistent data practices and utilization

Stakeholder Groups

In addition to a Data Team that will support the development of the academic dashboards, the project’s structure will utilize the following stakeholder groups for input and guidance:

  • Chancellor’s Council
  • Deans’ Academic Council
  • Academic Chairs/Heads/Program Directors
  • Associate/Assistant Deans
  • Graduate Council
  • Undergraduate Studies Council
  • Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  • Executive Steering Committee
  • Provost’s Council

Additional opportunities to ensure awareness, feedback and transparency from the broader campus community will also be provided.

Project Timelines

The project began in January 2023. We anticipate the process to move through the remainder of the academic year, and will include the following milestone events:

January 2023Kick-off and Data Discovery
February – April 2023Data Collection and Verification
March – April 2023Dashboard #1
April – May 2023Dashboard #2
March – July 2023Integration with ongoing training program for department heads/chairs/school directors

This portion of the project will focus on identifying areas for administrative service delivery improvements and potential cost savings.


  • Support UNCG in improving current levels of administrative service.
  • Address existing service “pain points.”
  • Develop a comprehensive set of recommendations to move toward a more sustainable mode that invests in our students, faculty, and staff.

For more information

If you have questions or comments about our internal academic process, please contact Provost Storrs at [email protected]. Questions about the administrative service review can be directed to Chief of Staff Waiyi Tse at [email protected]. Questions or comments regarding rpk’s engagement with the project can be directed to Mike Daly at [email protected].

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